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BUNGED-UP? Let’s get moving!

BUNGED-UP? Let’s get moving!

When all the organs and systems of your body are functioning together at their best, that’s called homeostasis. You can simply call that vital health. But when systems are not ‘used’ regularly, they ‘go to sleep’. Homeostasis is compromised when some parts are not fully functional. Take the gut – physical movement helps it keep supple and active.

BUNGED-UP? Let’s get moving!

Desk exercises + drinking water = easy constipation relief. When all the organs and systems of your body are functioning together at their best, that’s called homeostasis. You can simply call that vital health. But when systems are not ‘used’ regularly, they ‘go to...

You a Couch Potatoe?

No! – boost your self-worth by experimenting with new ways of eating and exercising. The story goes that the longest journey begins with the first step, which is why YOU can begin anywhere. Don’t be overwhelmed by feeling you suddenly need to turn your whole...