by Michelle Le Vieux | Aug 24, 2017 | Emotional, Exercise, Mental Wellbeing
You can stay as you are or shift your life into creative full-throttle thriving. Start your creative spark burning by testing out these suggestions. If you have a bad habit that is causing you problem and you would like to find a creative solution, try these few...
by Momentum Wellness | May 18, 2017 | Blog, Exercise
Body connection – addiction prevention Did you know that the word ‘Yoga‘is a Sanskrit term describing the union of the individual with universal spirit, or cosmic consciousness? So how could this relate to addictions? Some research has identified that addiction...
by Momentum Wellness | Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Exercise
Exercise – Energise your ageing with exercise Of course you’ll want to go into your future walking tall, with intention, without joint pain, and lots of flexibility, right? All this is possible with a little care and attention. For both men and women, from about...
by Momentum Wellness | Mar 14, 2017 | Blog, Exercise
Winter chills and exercise warmers Too cold to exercise in winter! Don’t even think about it – exercise to keep warm. There are many special ways to do just that in winter. Don’t let the cold weather keep you bundled up on the couch or under your...
by Momentum Wellness | Feb 21, 2017 | Blog, Exercise
Green Exercise for a Vital Body Being outdoors where we can truly enjoy ourselves helps us to appreciate nature. This then leads to a natural desire to protect and care for nature. Exercising outdoors is a great way to start, thereby ‘going green – a little at a...
by Momentum Wellness | Jan 13, 2017 | Blog, Exercise
Enriched meaning and purpose with exercise! Meaning and purpose are really emotional experiences that we are able to track in our bodies. For a musician the meaning of the music is experienced in the whole body, not just through the ears. The whole body holds and...