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Wellness Cafe'

Exercise – for a Vital Body

Feb 21, 2017 | Blog, Exercise

Green Exercise for a Vital Body

Being outdoors where we can truly enjoy ourselves helps us to appreciate nature. This then leads to a natural desire to protect and care for nature. Exercising outdoors is a great way to start, thereby ‘going green – a little at a time’.

There are many outdoor groups that you could join if you don’t want to go it alone.

How about joining the organisation ‘Run/Walk for Life’? It has a good reputation. You can start by walking with a group in a field. As you build up fitness and confidence you may decide that you would like to run with the more advanced members. Click here for more information  Run Walk for Life

You could also join exercises sessions in the park; try it out by clicking here Green Outdoor Gyms  There are also outdoor gyms for the whole family’s enjoyment, click here Outdoor Gym

For ladies, especially if you are feeling bold, try out the ‘ladies only’ adventure boot camp by clicking HERE 


exercise, gym, health, wellness, phela wellness,

How about joining a hiking, or walking club; get out and enjoy the beauty of nature with interesting people. To find a club click here

SA’s Hiking Clubs

If  this all sounds too much, how about enjoying a family outing to the botanic gardens. For a national list of gardens click here SA’s National Biodiversity Institute

If you would like to find out more about exercising in genera,l then log onto the MEMBER PORTAL and scroll down to

Road to wellness: General Health for general wellness tips. Or log onto MYPLAN to set up a personal exercise plan.


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