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Wellness Cafe'

Full-Throttle Living

Aug 24, 2017 | Emotional, Exercise, Mental Wellbeing

You can stay as you are or shift your life into creative full-throttle thriving.

Start your creative spark burning by testing out these suggestions.

If you have a bad habit that is causing you problem and you would like to find a creative solution, try these few steps:

  • Think of the habit/ problem situation and try to sum it up into one sentence.
  • Imagine you are with your best friend. This is a friend who has your best interest at heart. Imagine what you think their advice to you would be?
  • Now friends can be a little biased so now imagine you are taking advice from a very wise person. What would their advice be? You may find this a little tricky, so it is important that you do not rush this step. Give yourself sufficient time for some answers to come bubbling up.
  • Reflect on all the ‘advice’ and then plan a course of action.


Want to improve the quality of your connections?

  • Join in on a rich belly laugh, even when you’re not sure what it is about.
  • At lunch time, rather than sitting at your desk, invite a friend for a chat.
  • Instead of hiding and denying a problem you have at work, ask a colleague to brainstorm solutions with you.
  • When you notice someone is feeling down, approach them with a genuine offer of assistance.
  • Greet everyone you pass with a smile when you walk around the office.


Want some ideas to start being creative about caring for your physical health?

  • You can convert the crucial importance of drinking water into fun. Be imaginative and flavour your water with sliced cucumber, strawberries, orange and peach or something completely unexpected. Make a jug of weak rooibos tea and flavour with mint, cucumber, and crushed ice.
  • Children naturally love to run, climb, and tumble around; so tap into this creative energy and get playing with them. If you do not have your own children, organise a play date with your friends’ kids.


How to get started with practicing random acts of kindness?

The key is to act without the need for recognition, the joy is in the act itself. Leave a flower on a colleague’s desk, warm your partner’s slippers on a chilly morning, hold the lift doors for the latecomer, surprise the receptionist with a cup of tea.

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