Wellness Cafe'

Have you ever done the ‘Broccoli Dance’? Check out this video.

Dance, dance, dance … for inner joy and stress release

Dance classes are a time to let your inhibitions go, express yourself, let the stress flow out and just feel good all over.

The Psoas is the muscle in the body that holds stress and tension. It is found in the region of your lower back and pelvis. The bending, flexing and twisting movements that are a key part of dancing, exercises the Psoas muscle and helps release the tension. So, dancing with exhilaration is actually medicine for stress. Do find a class near you. Many studios offer the first class free.

Wherever you live there is likely to be a class, here are some suggestions:


Katz dance productions – www.ksdance.co.za

Body Mind Studios www.bodymind.co.za

Arthur Murray dance studio www.arthurmurraysa.co.za

Cape Town

Dance Craft Studio Cape Town – www.dancecraft.info/index.html 

Dance for fitness Cape Town – http://www.dance4fitness.co.za/Default.aspx


Nouveau Dance Studio – http://www.nouveaudance.co.za/

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