Hooked on sweets & junk food?

Watch out, they can be addictive! Find healthy alternatives. When we feel sad, lonely, depressed, angry, fearful, tense, any uncomfortable feeling, we naturally want to move to a more pleasant feeling. Sometimes when we’re not able to do this, we look for something to...


Focus on chewing and tasting, it will have a tranquilising effect. It is established in neuroscience that the sympathetic nervous system excites us – that’s the part that ‘winds us up’. Meanwhile the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes us – ‘that’s the part...


It powers you to keep up with the day’s demands. The old saying: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper…” is still recognised to be true. ‘Breaking-the-fast’ (breakfast) recognizes that the body has been deprived of nutrients,...

Addicted to foods?

Are you addicted to food? Maybe you intend to have just one square of chocolate, but only stop when the whole bar is finished. Maybe you just have to have a pizza, or find yourself eating the left-over chips from your partner’s plate, or you even find yourself eating...