Create daily quiet time.

5 minutes of calm and deep breathing reduces stress. Guaranteed! With all the busyness in life it can often feel as if the external world is driving and controlling us. This can leave us feeling unsettling and off-balance. One of the best cures for this is to develop...

Checking your phone every few minutes?

Escape this social media trap. It’s an addiction you can quit! Social media is a great way of keeping connected, seeing each other’s picture, sharing jokes, checking in on each other and just keeping up with what’s going on. And here is the big BUT, too much of a good...


When financially stressed, only buy what you really need. Often we are tempted to spend in order to get what someone else has, or to show off what we have. Spending might also be something about wanting to be seen in ‘that’ shop, or buying ‘that’ brand. So then our...