Full-Throttle Living

You can stay as you are or shift your life into creative full-throttle thriving. Start your creative spark burning by testing out these suggestions. If you have a bad habit that is causing you problem and you would like to find a creative solution, try these few...

Escape a Heavy Mood?

Spice up your day with random act of kindness and feel the glow as you add joy to the world. You have experienced the delight of been pleasantly surprised; so how about being creative and anonymously surprising others. You will not only delight your friends and...

Things Go Wrong – Embarrassing

      Please don’t stifle your creativity, it’s your unique expression. The experience of failure is often about not meeting other people’s expectations. But if you always dance to other people’s tunes, you may not find the opportunity to be creative....

Emotions – Own Your Age

Emotions – Own your age, you’ve earned it!     Yes, we do age, and the thought of this can be scary; but you do not need to buy into all the gloomy pictures of ageing. If you focus your attention on developing and maintaining a joyful and vital mental...

Inwardness & Restoration

A winter ritual for inwardness and restoration     As the winter season sets in, the cold and shorter days beckons us to cuddle up and close in. Yet this is not a time for doing ‘nothing’ but rather an opportunity for a change of focus from outward...

Emotions – Replacing Prozac

Can Green Gardening Replace Prozac? Gardening, it is said, can replace Prozac’ – yes it can! Extensive research has shown that gardening is the new ‘green’ feel good drug with an abundance of GOOD side effects.   It has been found that  when we leave behind our...