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Wellness Cafe'

Healthy Wealthy & Wise

Oct 21, 2016 | Blog, Nutrition

Happy healthy young fitness woman. Weight loss and dieting.

Is there a connection between nutrition and wealth? The answer again is yes. Healthy nutrition not only nourishes your body – it also nourishes your brain. Click here for the all-important article about eating for your brain health

Healthy eating affects your mental alertness and creativity. You will be more productive in the workplace and more alert to opportunities.  Investing in your health is simply a wise investment that will ultimately enhance your value creation and hence financial wellness. Of course there are obvious financial implications in ensuring that you don’t incur medical expenses and find yourself taking unnecessary sick leave. But over and beyond having the resources to buy nice things, maybe wealth can rather be considered to be about a ‘rich’ quality of experience. Being fit and healthy enables a rich quality of experience. From this perspective choosing to spend your hard-earned money on buying nutritious food and cutting out junk food is therefore an investment in your wealth.  This is where clever budgeting comes in and you can find guidance on creating a budget by logging onto the  MEMBER PORTAL and scroll down to click ‘Personal Assistance Portal’ and then  follow ‘Financial Wellness’ to find the section on ‘Budgets and Financial Health’

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