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Wellness Cafe'

COVID-19 – cautious optimism

Jan 27, 2022 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, Newsletter, The Juice

COVID-19 - cautious optimism

As we enter 2022, the recognition of the milder physical effects of the Omicron Covid-19 variant brings some hope that the pandemic might be easing, or even coming to an end. That is why Government announced the lifting of many restrictions on movement and activities. You can again go to bars and restaurants – and the beach!

These measures intend to get folks back to their livelihoods and restore business activity. But the authorities will still keep a close watch on the hospitalization rate to manage the pressure on the stressed healthcare system.

So, it’s not over yet – we all must continue to contribute to national recovery. An estimated 70+% of the population have already been infected by Covid with medical experts suggesting that herd immunity has developed significantly. This, together with the positive effects of vaccination, makes the population more resilient. However, the vulnerable, especially the aged and those with chronic conditions, still need to be protected. So, enjoy the additional freedom of movement and gathering, but continue to practice realistic social distancing, wear effective masks in confined spaces, and apply common sense hygiene.


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