David Muller wears a mask in public – his 3 reasons can inspire us all to be kind and caring.
- Humility: I don’t know if I have COVID-19 as it is clear that people can spread the disease before they have symptoms.
- Kindness: I don’t know if the person I am near has a child battling cancer, or cares for their elderly mom. While I might be fine, they might not.
- Community: I want my community to thrive, businesses to stay open, employees to stay healthy. Keeping a lid on COVID-19 helps us all!
It was inevitable that with Lockdown easing in order to allow people to get back to their livelihoods that the infection rate would climb. South Africa is currently (1st July 2020) fourth in the world with the rate of new infections. The authorities have had to make very difficult decisions. Now it’s up to us. Not only can we lower our personal risk of infection, but by practicing hygiene and social distancing we can protect our loved-ones and others.
Yes, for a healthy young person the risk is considered to be low. But for those with comorbidities and the elderly becoming infected can be fatal. So be humble – you might already be infected without knowing it – do take a test if you suspect you might have been exposed. Be kind to others by being alert and responsible – they might themselves have comorbidities or have fragile loved-ones. And be community conscious – the more careful we are in our response to the pandemic the quicker we will be able to beat Covid-19 and get back to normal life.