Gestures of Giving

Video: Creative gestures of giving, watch this touching clip. Although this is just an advertisement, it shows so clearly how one gesture of giving can be magnified into an abundant joy for all. View the video HERE

Bad Habits – Break Free!

Stuck in old ways that don’t serve you? Take time to awaken your creativity and find a new way. Sometimes the usual way of doing things can get in the way of seeing new solutions. You will recognise a bad habit when the things you used to do so well, no longer seem to...

Things Go Wrong – Embarrassing

      Please don’t stifle your creativity, it’s your unique expression. The experience of failure is often about not meeting other people’s expectations. But if you always dance to other people’s tunes, you may not find the opportunity to be creative....


BLOG Do your possessions create an enriching environment? Time to decluttering? Decluttering is much more than throwing away the ‘old stuff’ rather it is a mindful act of creation. This blog will take you through the process of getting into a mindful and creative...


TECHNOLOGY Meaningful friendships don’t just happen. They need care and attention. It’s not just about finding the right friend, rather it is about building and caring for the right friendship. This site may appear to be for women, but in reality it is not; these...