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Wellness Cafe'

Hooked on the Rush

May 18, 2017 | Blog

Are You Hooked on the Rush!

Prescription drugs. Social media. Alcohol. Crack. Tik. Khat. Compulsive shopping. Gambling. Technology. Sex. Eating. Sugar. Steroids. Computer games.

The word addiction can evoke images of down-and-out folk, people not anything like you, right? Yet the stressful world we live in has brought addition onto our doorstep, and often into our homes.

No matter what the person’s age, gender, financial situation, job status, upbringing, spiritual beliefs, social standing, might be, addictions can affect anyone.

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Addiction is a destructive disease, frequently accompanied by the symptom of denial; and that’s where family, friends and community are needed to support the person in their journey of healing. With dedication, recovery is possible.

In this edition we explore addictions and the role every person has in preventing and helping people heal from this disease.

If you would like to talk to one of our expert counselors about addiction call 08002BWELL (0800229355). Remember there is no fee for any of the sessions with our counsellors.

Please call our helpline to set up a free session with one of our skilled counsellors on  08002BWELL (0800229355)

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