by Michelle Le Vieux | Jul 16, 2020 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, The Juice
Before you set out to buy new clothes on your credit or store card, pause to consider how you can bring renewed life to old items. Sometimes it can be as simple as updating a jacket with bright, bold, trendy buttons, or adding a layer of lace to the bottom of a shirt. You can also add sequins and sparkles, or even a few stylish rips to an old pair of jeans.
by Michelle Le Vieux | Jul 2, 2020 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, The Juice
David Muller wears a mask in public – his 3 reasons can inspire us all to be kind and caring.
Humility: I don’t know if I have COVID-19 as it is clear that people can spread the disease before they have symptoms.
by Michelle Le Vieux | Jul 2, 2020 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, The Juice
If you are a member of our EAP or EWP programmes just call 0800 22 93 55 we are here for you. Confidential assistance is available from professional counsellors, it really is as simple as being a call away. DON’T DELAY, ACT TODAY Hello Doctor is free to ALL...
by Michelle Le Vieux | Jul 2, 2020 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, The Juice
With lock-down easing, we must continue to protect ourselves, and be even more careful when we, or someone else, has other health challenges.
A ‘comorbidity’ is when someone already suffering from a chronic illness catches yet another disease.
by Michelle Le Vieux | Jun 21, 2020 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, The Juice
Changing the Lockdown rules enables people to get back to their livelihoods, it does not mean that the risk of catching COVID-19 is over. Actually the risk is increased.