0800 229355 [email protected]
Build your immune system

Build your immune system

Your immune system is your best defence against the virus. Enjoying good sleep and reducing stress are key to strengthening its effectiveness. As a member you have free access to MYPLAN2BWELL.Work through these two on-line programmes to build your body’s natural defences.

Coronavirus self-test tool

Coronavirus self-test tool

If you are feeling unwell, before you call your health practitioner, take a self-test to get clear guidance of what to do. It is easy to use. You will also be helping the medical teams who are overwhelmed by people seeking information and assistance.

Go on a news diet

Go on a news diet

To reduce your stress quit constantly checking WhatsApp and social media; they are filled with sensationalist fake news. Rather keep up to date with a daily visit to the Government updates and credible international sites.


BLOG Do your possessions create an enriching environment? Time to decluttering? Decluttering is much more than throwing away the ‘old stuff’ rather it is a mindful act of creation. This blog will take you through the process of getting into a mindful and creative...

Addictive Personality

Blog Posts: Addictive Personality: How I madeit my healthiest trait Quentin Vennie describes how he converted the roughest life experience and a severe drug addiction into his saving grace. FOR MORE