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Bad Habits – Break Free!

Stuck in old ways that don’t serve you? Take time to awaken your creativity and find a new way. Sometimes the usual way of doing things can get in the way of seeing new solutions. You will recognise a bad habit when the things you used to do so well, no longer seem to...

Escape a Heavy Mood?

Spice up your day with random act of kindness and feel the glow as you add joy to the world. You have experienced the delight of been pleasantly surprised; so how about being creative and anonymously surprising others. You will not only delight your friends and...


TECHNOLOGY Meaningful friendships don’t just happen. They need care and attention. It’s not just about finding the right friend, rather it is about building and caring for the right friendship. This site may appear to be for women, but in reality it is not; these...
Make Friends

Make Friends

APP If you feel that there is space in your life for new friends, try these apps. Being active on Facebook enables connections with many people, yet some are complaining that although they know a lot of people they don’t really KNOW them. They are missing the deep...