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Sign up for a stress-free festive season

Sign up for a stress-free festive season

This is a wonderful time to be with family, have a break, and enjoy tasty food and good company. But somehow things often end up less jolly and more ‘just-let-it-be-January.’
Why is this time of year so often accompanied by skyrocketing stress, anxiety and exhaustion? For one, we can feel overwhelmed with the extra social engagements. Plus, at big gatherings we might have to face people with whom we don’t necessarily see ‘eye-to-eye.’ It’s also easy to overindulge and spend money as if we’ve won the lottery (knowing full well our accounts are redder than Rudolph the Reindeer’s nose).

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

This is the time of year you finally get to catch your breath and take the time to think about what makes you grateful. But research suggests that the act of being thankful and expressing appreciation for the gifts you have in your life should be something you consciously and deliberately cultivate all year round. In so doing, you can nourish not only your soul, but your health too.