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Be breast aware

Sep 30, 2024 | Blog, Flavor Of The Month, HD NewsFeed, Newsletter, The Juice

Be breast aware

At least one in 27 women (and one in 943 men) will face breast cancer in their lifetime. Catching and treating it early improves your chances of survival. Being proactive is crucial.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There’s no time like the present to manage your risk.

Know your genetic risk

You may be at greater risk if there’s a family history of breast cancer. Consider genetic testing to find out if you carry the gene,  and ask your doctor if more frequent screenings are recommended.

Check yourself

  • Some 40% of diagnosed breast cancer is first picked up during a self-exam. Become familiar with the look and feel of your breast area so you notice any changes straightaway.
  • Start with a professional checkup (GP or gynae) as a baseline.
  • Follow CANSA’s easy instructions on self-exams – check in the mirror, while lying down and in the bath.
  • Do your own check at the same time each month – the best time is three to five days after your period starts.

Get a mammogram

It’s recommended to have a mammogram (an x-ray used to detect tumours) every one to two years from the age of 40.

  • It takes just 10 seconds per image. Breathe deeply and try to relax – it will be over soon.
  • Schedule for the week(s) after your period – breasts are most tender and swollen during your period and the week before.
  • A painkiller taken an hour before can ease discomfort.
  • Your radiologist may also perform an additional ultrasound to identify if any lumps found could be a tumour or a cyst.

Full disclosure: A mammogram can be uncomfortable, but it’s over quickly and well worth it for the chance of early detection.

Live well

You can’t control things like genetics or age, but some factors linked with breast cancer risk are within your control.

Exercise regularly: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly.

Eat well: Include a rainbow of fresh fruit and veg, whole grains and lean proteins like fish and lentils.

Avoid smoking: Stay away from tobacco, including cigarettes, vapes, snuff (ntsu) and chewing tobacco, and avoid smoky environments.

Limit alcohol: The recommended limit is one drink per day for women, and two for men – a drink is around 150ml of wine or 330ml of beer, but ideally drink as little as possible.



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